There are many things that you can do to make the process of preparing for your down payment easier. At Dream Home Lending, we analyze your finances and help you decide how much home you can afford as well as how much money you should put down.
We will review your credit report together and discuss what home loans may fit in your overall plan. We can determine what a good budget for your home will be, including monthly expenses such as utilities.
If you are putting together a budget to save for your down payment, here are some simple tips to help you begin:
- Open a savings account so that you can put money aside.
- Set up an automatic portion of your paycheck to transfer into a savings account.
- Save raises, bonuses, and monetary gifts.
- Save tax refunds.
- Use an app to track your progress. Mint , PocketGuard and Dollarbird are some great budgeting tools that can help you save money.
Let’s plan a time to meet. Our dream team at Dream Home Lending would love to talk to you about your home buying options. Call Dream Home Lending today to set up an appointment.