Name: Danielle Hajda
Start Date: April 11, 2022 but 19 years in the industry
Position: Senior Loan Officer
What brought you to Dream Home Lending: Alex Rayner and the vision he has
What do you like most about working at Dream Home Lending: All of the Academy Mortgage employees that are here- feels like home
Hometown: Granger, Tx
Hobbies: Sleeping, eating queso, reading murder mystery books and shows
Book you’ve read over and over again: Jump Spike! Jump! (5 year olds book)
Top 3 movies: Marvel movies all day long
A bit about your family: We are a blended family of 5. My husband and I have been married for 6 years. We have 2 15 year-olds and a 5 year-old. We live on a 160 acre farm.
Favorite food: Mexican food all day long… and some Italian
Thing you’re scared of: Tornadoes and dying
Worst habit: I take care of others way before I take care of myself.
Dream vacation: A 3 week long trip to Montana
Favorite cocktail: Alcohol…. Yep…alcohol….although I drank way too much last Saturday so currently I can’t even smell alcohol without dry heaving like a college kid.