Builder Services

We specialize in working with homebuilders and their buyers to create a seamless experience for your buyers. Dream Home Lending is more than a lender, we are a team player in growing your business with our Dedicated Builder Services.


Providing the dream experience

Accurate, timely, and CERTIFIED APPROVALS

Communication throughout the entire transaction

Highly competitive interest rates

Experienced mortgage planners

Dedicated in-house processing

E-sign closings

Table fund - buyers leave with keys

Fast turnaround times

On-time closings

Marketing and event support

My Mortgage App and tablets in model homes

Extended Lock Program

We take care of your buyers

Are you looking for a lending partner? Dream Home Lending offers our builders competitive rates and the kind of marketing partnerships that create business. We can work with your company to put together digital, social and traditional marketing efforts, events, and much more to bring buyers to you.

How can we partner with you to serve people who want to buy a house you build? Contact us today!


Contact us today to see how we can help your buyers with their home financing needs. We provide the best service for your home builders and guide them confidently during the home buying process.

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